Frequently Asked Questions

We currently offer a Primary Program for children 3 to 6 years of age. We will be opening a toddler program in August 2020 for children ages 18 months to 3 years. To learn more about our Primary Program, please visit our Primary page. More information on the Toddler program, please visit our Toddler page.

What programs does Hiatt Farms Montessori offer?

INFANT: Children who are 6 months or younger by the first day of school in August will be prioritized for enrollment in the Infant program.

TODDLER: Children must be 18 months by the first day of school in August to be enrolled in the Toddler program.

PRIMARY: Children must be 3 years old by the first day of school in August to be enrolled in the Primary program.

If you are unsure about which program your child is eligible for, please contact our admissions team at

How old does my child need to be in order to enroll in this program?

Does your school follow the typical school-year schedule?

The program runs year-round with several one to two week breaks throughout the year. Please refer to our 2020-2021 School Calendar for the full schedule.

What is the schedule for half day and full day programs?

Both programs run Monday-Friday. We only offer half-day enrollment for the Primary program.

  • The Half Day Primary program runs from 8:30am-12:30pm.

  • The Full Day Primary, Toddler & Infant programs run from 8:30am-3:30pm.

All children eat lunch at the school. In the Toddler program children eat lunch from 11:00am to 11:45am. In Primary, lunch is eaten from 11:30am to 12:00pm. Children must bring their own lunch to school. Snacks are provided by parents.

Do all of the children eat lunch at school?

TODDLER: A large part of a child's work in the toddler program is toilet learning. This process usually begins shortly after the child has acclimated to the classroom and is a joint effort between the school and the parents. Because consistency is key, once the toilet learning process has begun, we ask that parents continue these efforts at home.

PRIMARY: In order to join us for the Primary Program, your child must be fully potty trained. This means that your child no longer wears pull-ups; is able to recognize on their own when they need to use the bathroom; and are able to remove clothing and clean themselves independently.

What are the potty training requirements and what does it mean for a child to be potty trained?

At the moment we do not offer before or after care at our facility.

Do you offer before-care or after-care?

INFANT: The ratio for infant aged children is 1 to 5. Each classroom has 2 teachers, one Spanish-speaking and one English-speaking, and is capped at 8 children. We currently have one Infant classroom.

TODDLER: The ratio for toddler aged children is 1 to 5. Each classroom has 2 teachers, one Spanish-speaking and one English-speaking, and is capped at 10 children per classroom. We currently have one Toddler classroom.

PRIMARY: The ratio for our mixed age, Primary classrooms are 1 to 10. Each classroom has 2 teachers, one Spanish-speaking and one English-speaking, and is capped at 20 children per classroom. Our program consists of two Primary classrooms.

What are the classroom sizes?

There are at least two teachers in each classroom. Each class has one English speaking teacher and one Spanish speaking teacher. This is an immersion program, so each teacher is only speaking in their specified language with the children during the day. This teaches the children to look for alternative ways to communicate with the teacher who is not speaking in their native tongue. We also have float teachers who will help in the classrooms during major transitions throughout the day. The primary program has two float teachers and the Infant and Toddler programs have one float teacher.

How many teachers are in each classroom?

Our program offers several opportunities for parents to get involved in our program. We have a Parent Association which consists of three different committees: the Social Committee, the Farm & Garden Committee and the Community Outreach Committee. The Social Committee helps to coordinate our school-wide social functions which happen once a quarter, as well as collaborate with the teaching staff on several in-class activities throughout the year. The Farm and Garden Committee helps us with the care of all of our farm animals, as well as coordinates various planting and harvesting days throughout the year. The Community Outreach Committee helps the school to connect with and give back to our community throughout the year. Parents are not required to join our Parent Association. If you are not able to join these committees, there are also ample opportunities to volunteer during in-class activities throughout the year.

What does parent involvement look like at Hiatt Farms Montessori?

Parent Education Nights are held at the school seven times a year and they include presentations on the various elements of the Montessori classroom and methodology. We strive to offer interesting, meaningful, relevant and interactive topics. These workshops are an important element in the partnership between the School and family. New families must attend at least five (5) of the seven (7) Parent Education Workshops each academic year. Returning families must attend at least four (4) of the seven (7) Parent Education Workshops each academic year. These dates are scheduled in advance each year. They are listed both on our school calendar and on our website under the Current Families tab.

What are the Parent Education Nights & are they mandatory?

We are not able to offer financial aid at this time but we hope to offer various forms of assistance in the future. We do offer several payment plans. Please email for tuition information.

Do you offer financial aid?

Please inquire via email for the specific tuition amounts and payment plan options for each program.

All families are required to pay a deposit to reserve a place in our program for a child within 30 days of being accepted into the program; this deposit is applied to the annual tuition for your child.

Payments are then calculated based on the remaining tuition amount and are broken down into 1, 2, 4 or 10 different payments. These payments are front loaded and will begin on July 1st, even though the new academic year doesn’t begin until August. Payments are due throughout the year on the first of the month (months in which payment is due is dependent on the payment plan chosen by a family) beginning in July. The final payments for all families are due by April 1st of the following year. If you choose to re-enroll, then a deposit is due May 1st. Payments for that next academic year are due on July 1st, so there are no payments due in June.

If it is your child’s final year at Hiatt Farms Montessori School, final tuition payments will be due on April 1st. Since our payments are front loaded, even though you will no longer have tuition payments to make, your child’s enrollment will continue through July 31st.

How are the payments structured?